Volkswagen ID.3 shortlease klasse
ID | 1400 |
key | field_5eea178c401c4 |
label | Leaseprijs |
name | leaseprijs |
prefix | acf |
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value | 840 |
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show_column_weight | 1000 |
allow_quickedit | 1 |
allow_bulkedit | 0 |
_name | leaseprijs |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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Shortlease v.a. € 840
Execution time: 0.0018 seconds
o.b.v. 12 mnd/20.000 km p.j.
Volkswagen ID.3 shortlease klasse
ID | 1400 |
key | field_5eea178c401c4 |
label | Leaseprijs |
name | leaseprijs |
prefix | acf |
type | range |
value | 840 |
menu_order | 23 |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 1397 |
wrapper | Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) |
blank_if_zero | 0 |
readonly | 0 |
admin_column_enabled | 1 |
admin_column_post_types | Array ( [0] => cars ) |
max | 2500 |
show_column | 0 |
show_column_sortable | 0 |
show_column_weight | 1000 |
allow_quickedit | 1 |
allow_bulkedit | 0 |
_name | leaseprijs |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
custom_identifier | ACF Item |
acf_name | field_5eea178c401c4 |
is_author_acf_field | off |
post_object_acf_name | none |
author_field_type | author_post |
linked_user_acf_name | none |
type_taxonomy_acf_name | none |
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label_seperator | : |
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is_video | off |
video_loop | on |
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video_background_size | cover |
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defer_video | off |
defer_video_icon | I||divi||400 |
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pretify_seperator | , |
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link_post_seperator | , |
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filter_saturate | 100% |
filter_brightness | 100% |
filter_contrast | 100% |
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filter_sepia | 0% |
filter_opacity | 100% |
filter_blur | 0px |
mix_blend_mode | normal |
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animation_intensity_fold | 50% |
animation_intensity_roll | 50% |
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label_css_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
label_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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seperator_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
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relational_field_item_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
relational_field_item_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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global_colors_info | {} |
Lease v.a. € 840
Execution time: 0.0014 seconds
o.b.v. 12 mnd/10.000 km p.j.
ID | 1401 |
key | field_5eea1878401cd |
label | Bijtelling |
name | bijtelling |
prefix | acf |
type | select |
value | 16% |
menu_order | 10 |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 1397 |
wrapper | Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) |
admin_column_enabled | 0 |
choices | Array ( [4%] => 4% [8%] => 8% [12%] => 12% [15%] => 15% [16%] => 16% [22%] => 22% ) |
allow_null | 0 |
multiple | 0 |
ui | 0 |
return_format | value |
ajax | 0 |
_name | bijtelling |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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Bijtelling: 16%
Execution time: 0.0029 seconds
ID | 1404 |
key | field_5eea18d1401d0 |
label | Brandstof |
name | brandstof |
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value | Elektrisch (volledig) |
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parent | 1397 |
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choices | Array ( [Benzine] => Benzine [Benzine hybride] => Benzine hybride [Benzine plugin hybride] => Benzine plugin hybride [Diesel] => Diesel [Diesel hybride] => Diesel hybride [Diesel plugin hybride] => Diesel plugin hybride [Elektrisch (volledig)] => Elektrisch (volledig) [Waterstof] => Waterstof ) |
allow_null | 0 |
multiple | 0 |
ui | 0 |
return_format | value |
ajax | 0 |
_name | brandstof |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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Brandstof: Elektrisch (volledig)
Execution time: 0.0024 seconds
ID | 9739 |
key | field_62c3108121f2a |
label | Actieradius |
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conditional_logic | Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => field_5eea18d1401d0 [operator] => ==contains [value] => Elektrisch ) ) ) |
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append | km (WLTP) |
_name | actieradius |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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label_seperator | : |
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empty_value_option | hide_module |
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circle_color | #f29100 |
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video_loop | on |
video_autoplay | on |
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Actieradius: 450km (WLTP) km
Execution time: 0.0019 seconds
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Transmissie: Automaat
Execution time: 0.0017 seconds
Execution time: 0.0011 seconds
Leasen vanaf 1 maand: shortleasen geeft u flexibiliteit tegen een voordeliger tarief dan huren en met de voordelen van een leasecontract.
Tarieven op basis van 20.000 kilometer per jaar:
€ 840,- p/m v.a. 12 maanden
€ 878,- p/m v.a. 6 maanden
€ 916,- p/m v.a. 1 maand
Tarieven op basis van andere kilometrages opvraagbaar
De voordelen van shortlease op een rij:
- Looptijden vanaf 1 maand
- Na vaste inzetperiode per dag opzegbaar
- Snel inzetbaar
- Door onze partnerships met een groot aantal dealers heeft u een ruime keuze aan auto’s
- Geen langlopend leasecontract, maar flexibiliteit tegen een voordelig tarief
- Gratis haal- en brengservice
Direct reserveren?
Bel 0343-238001
Let op:
Alle getoonde tarieven zijn exclusief BTW, tenzij anders vermeld
De getoonde afbeeldingen kunnen meeruitvoeringen bevatten
In2leasing bezoekadres
De Langkamp 1
3961 MR Wijk bij Duurstede

Heeft u vragen?
We kunnen ons voorstellen dat u vragen heeft. Over de verschillende leasevormen of adviezen, of misschien heeft u op onze website niet precies de lease-auto gevonden die u zocht? Schroom dan niet ons te bellen of te mailen. Onze contactinformatie vindt u hieronder.