Laadpas Top Tien
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Brandstofpas Nationaal
Execution time: 0.0016 seconds
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Execution time: 0.0110 seconds
Voor wie?
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MKB bedrijf met minimaal 5 passen
Execution time: 0.0010 seconds
Kenmerken & Voordelen
ID | 9112 |
key | field_62783c2d222ae |
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delay | 0 |
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Module Settings
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✅ Tanken in Nederland
✅ Straat parkeren
✅ Autowassen
Execution time: 0.0011 seconds
ID | 9113 |
key | field_62783c6f222af |
label | Prijs |
name | prijs |
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value | € 4,75 p.m. |
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_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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€ 4,75 p.m.
Execution time: 0.0010 seconds
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Brandstofpas Internationaal
Execution time: 0.0007 seconds
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button_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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global_colors_info | {} |

Execution time: 0.0022 seconds
Voor wie?
ID | 9111 |
key | field_62783bee222ad |
label | Voor wie? |
name | voor_wie |
prefix | acf |
type | text |
value | MKB bedrijf met minimaal 5 passen |
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_name | voor_wie |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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pretify_seperator | , |
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MKB bedrijf met minimaal 5 passen
Execution time: 0.0009 seconds
Kenmerken & Voordelen
ID | 9112 |
key | field_62783c2d222ae |
label | Kenmerken & Voordelen |
name | kenmerken_voordelen |
prefix | acf |
type | wysiwyg |
value | <p><span class="s1">✅</span> Tanken in heel europa<br /> <span class="s1">✅</span> Straat parkeren<br /> <span class="s1">✅</span> Autowassen</p> |
menu_order | 3 |
instructions | Voordelen (voor het overzichtsscherm). |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
wrapper | Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) |
admin_column_enabled | 0 |
tabs | all |
toolbar | full |
media_upload | 0 |
delay | 0 |
_name | kenmerken_voordelen |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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is_audio | off |
is_video | off |
video_loop | on |
video_autoplay | on |
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✅ Tanken in heel europa
✅ Straat parkeren
✅ Autowassen
Execution time: 0.0011 seconds
ID | 9113 |
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€ 5,35 p.m.
Execution time: 0.0007 seconds
ID | 9117 |
key | field_6278d6c3398ac |
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Combi Laadpas
Execution time: 0.0011 seconds
ID | 9110 |
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Execution time: 0.0036 seconds
Voor wie?
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global_colors_info | {} |
MKB bedrijf met minimaal 5 passen
Execution time: 0.0014 seconds
Kenmerken & Voordelen
ID | 9112 |
key | field_62783c2d222ae |
label | Kenmerken & Voordelen |
name | kenmerken_voordelen |
prefix | acf |
type | wysiwyg |
value | <p class="p1"><span class="s1">✅</span> Tanken in heel Europa<br /> <span class="s1">✅</span> Straat parkeren<br /> <span class="s1">✅</span> Autowassen</p> |
menu_order | 3 |
instructions | Voordelen (voor het overzichtsscherm). |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
wrapper | Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) |
admin_column_enabled | 0 |
tabs | all |
toolbar | full |
media_upload | 0 |
delay | 0 |
_name | kenmerken_voordelen |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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global_colors_info | {} |
✅ Tanken in heel Europa
✅ Straat parkeren
✅ Autowassen
Execution time: 0.0010 seconds
ID | 9113 |
key | field_62783c6f222af |
label | Prijs |
name | prijs |
prefix | acf |
type | text |
value | € 7,50 p.m. |
menu_order | 4 |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
wrapper | Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) |
admin_column_enabled | 0 |
_name | prijs |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
custom_identifier | ACF Item |
acf_name | field_62783c6f222af |
is_author_acf_field | off |
post_object_acf_name | none |
author_field_type | author_post |
linked_user_acf_name | none |
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label_seperator | : |
visibility | on |
empty_value_option | hide_module |
use_icon | off |
icon_color | #f29100 |
use_circle | off |
circle_color | #f29100 |
use_circle_border | off |
circle_border_color | #f29100 |
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icon_image_placement | left |
image_mobile_stacking | initial |
return_format | array |
image_link_url | off |
image_link_url_acf_name | none |
checkbox_style | array |
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checkbox_radio_link | off |
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true_false_text_false | False |
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is_video | off |
video_loop | on |
video_autoplay | on |
make_video_background | off |
video_background_size | cover |
is_oembed_video | off |
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defer_video_icon | I||divi||400 |
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pretify_seperator | , |
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link_post_seperator | , |
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background_mask_width | auto |
background_mask_height | auto |
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filter_brightness | 100% |
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animation_intensity_roll | 50% |
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€ 7,50 p.m.
Execution time: 0.0008 seconds
ID | 9117 |
key | field_6278d6c3398ac |
label | Type |
name | type |
prefix | acf |
type | text |
value | Combi pas Nationaal |
menu_order | 0 |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
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Combi pas Nationaal
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Execution time: 0.0041 seconds
Voor wie?
ID | 9111 |
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ZZP of MKB bedrijven
Execution time: 0.0007 seconds
Kenmerken & Voordelen
ID | 9112 |
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tabs | all |
toolbar | full |
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delay | 0 |
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Module Settings
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✅ Tanken in heel Europa
✅ OV-gebruik
✅ Straat parkeren
Execution time: 0.0012 seconds
ID | 9113 |
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€ 6,95 p.m.
Execution time: 0.0007 seconds
ID | 9117 |
key | field_6278d6c3398ac |
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Combi pas Internationaal
Execution time: 0.0011 seconds
ID | 9110 |
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Execution time: 0.0025 seconds
Voor wie?
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ZZP of MKB bedrijven
Execution time: 0.0007 seconds
Kenmerken & Voordelen
ID | 9112 |
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✅250.000 openbare laadpalen in Europa
✅Transparante kosten
✅EU Laadpas-app
Execution time: 0.0011 seconds
ID | 9113 |
key | field_62783c6f222af |
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€7,95,- p.m.
Execution time: 0.0008 seconds
ID | 9117 |
key | field_6278d6c3398ac |
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value | Laadpas Nationaal |
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Laadpas Nationaal
Execution time: 0.0013 seconds
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seperator_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
seperator_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
seperator_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
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relational_field_item_text_shadow_style | none |
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relational_field_item_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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relational_field_item_text_shadow_color | rgba(0,0,0,0.4) |
button_text_shadow_style | none |
button_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
button_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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box_shadow_color | rgba(0,0,0,0.3) |
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box_shadow_position_button | outer |
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disabled | off |
global_colors_info | {} |

Execution time: 0.0055 seconds
Voor wie?
ID | 9111 |
key | field_62783bee222ad |
label | Voor wie? |
name | voor_wie |
prefix | acf |
type | text |
value | ZZP & MKB bedrijven |
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conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
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_name | voor_wie |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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number_decimal | . |
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relational_field_item_letter_spacing | 0px |
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filter_brightness | 100% |
filter_contrast | 100% |
filter_invert | 0% |
filter_sepia | 0% |
filter_opacity | 100% |
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mix_blend_mode | normal |
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animation_intensity_fold | 50% |
animation_intensity_roll | 50% |
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animation_repeat | once |
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hover_transition_speed_curve | ease |
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label_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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global_colors_info | {} |
ZZP & MKB bedrijven
Execution time: 0.0013 seconds
Kenmerken & Voordelen
ID | 9112 |
key | field_62783c2d222ae |
label | Kenmerken & Voordelen |
name | kenmerken_voordelen |
prefix | acf |
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menu_order | 3 |
instructions | Voordelen (voor het overzichtsscherm). |
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conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
wrapper | Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) |
admin_column_enabled | 0 |
tabs | all |
toolbar | full |
media_upload | 0 |
delay | 0 |
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_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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true_false_text_true | True |
true_false_text_false | False |
is_audio | off |
is_video | off |
video_loop | on |
video_autoplay | on |
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video_background_size | cover |
is_oembed_video | off |
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label_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
label_css_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
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text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
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✅ Onbeperkt laden
✅ Groot laadnetwerk
✅ Maandelijks opzegbaar
Execution time: 0.0017 seconds
ID | 9113 |
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€ 2,95
Execution time: 0.0012 seconds
ID | 9117 |
key | field_6278d6c3398ac |
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Laadpas Buitenland
Execution time: 0.0013 seconds
ID | 9110 |
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Execution time: 0.0048 seconds
Voor wie?
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label_css_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
label_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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relational_field_item_text_shadow_color | rgba(0,0,0,0.4) |
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button_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
button_text_shadow_color | rgba(0,0,0,0.4) |
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text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
text_shadow_color | rgba(0,0,0,0.4) |
disabled | off |
global_colors_info | {} |
ZZP & MKB bedrijven
Execution time: 0.0009 seconds
Kenmerken & Voordelen
ID | 9112 |
key | field_62783c2d222ae |
label | Kenmerken & Voordelen |
name | kenmerken_voordelen |
prefix | acf |
type | wysiwyg |
value | <p class="p1"><span class="s1">✅</span> Tanken in Nederland<br /> <span class="s1">✅</span> Geen maandelijkse kosten<br /> <span class="s1">✅</span> Besparen bij snelladers</p> |
menu_order | 3 |
instructions | Voordelen (voor het overzichtsscherm). |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
wrapper | Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) |
admin_column_enabled | 0 |
tabs | all |
toolbar | full |
media_upload | 0 |
delay | 0 |
_name | kenmerken_voordelen |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
custom_identifier | ACF Item |
acf_name | field_62783c2d222ae |
is_author_acf_field | off |
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true_false_text_true | True |
true_false_text_false | False |
is_audio | off |
is_video | off |
video_loop | on |
video_autoplay | on |
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video_background_size | cover |
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number_decimal | . |
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background_color_gradient_start_position | 0% |
background_color_gradient_end | #29c4a9 |
background_color_gradient_end_position | 100% |
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parallax | off |
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background_image_width | auto |
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background_pattern_repeat_origin | top_left |
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background_mask_color | #ffffff |
background_mask_aspect_ratio | landscape |
background_mask_size | stretch |
background_mask_width | auto |
background_mask_height | auto |
background_mask_position | center |
background_mask_horizontal_offset | 0 |
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filter_brightness | 100% |
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filter_sepia | 0% |
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mix_blend_mode | normal |
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animation_duration | 1000ms |
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acf_label_css_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
acf_label_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
acf_label_css_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
acf_label_css_text_shadow_color | rgba(0,0,0,0.4) |
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label_css_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
label_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
label_css_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
label_css_text_shadow_color | rgba(0,0,0,0.4) |
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relational_field_item_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
relational_field_item_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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global_colors_info | {} |
✅ Tanken in Nederland
✅ Geen maandelijkse kosten
✅ Besparen bij snelladers
Execution time: 0.0019 seconds
ID | 9113 |
key | field_62783c6f222af |
label | Prijs |
name | prijs |
prefix | acf |
type | text |
value | € 10 eenmalig |
menu_order | 4 |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
wrapper | Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) |
admin_column_enabled | 0 |
_name | prijs |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
custom_identifier | ACF Item |
acf_name | field_62783c6f222af |
is_author_acf_field | off |
post_object_acf_name | none |
author_field_type | author_post |
linked_user_acf_name | none |
type_taxonomy_acf_name | none |
acf_tag | h1 |
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label_seperator | : |
visibility | on |
empty_value_option | hide_module |
use_icon | off |
icon_color | #f29100 |
use_circle | off |
circle_color | #f29100 |
use_circle_border | off |
circle_border_color | #f29100 |
use_icon_font_size | off |
icon_image_placement | left |
image_mobile_stacking | initial |
return_format | array |
image_link_url | off |
image_link_url_acf_name | none |
checkbox_style | array |
checkbox_radio_return | label |
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checkbox_radio_link | off |
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true_false_text_true | True |
true_false_text_false | False |
is_audio | off |
is_video | off |
video_loop | on |
video_autoplay | on |
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video_background_size | cover |
is_oembed_video | off |
defer_video | off |
defer_video_icon | I||divi||400 |
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pretify_seperator | , |
number_decimal | . |
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text_image | off |
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linked_post_style | custom |
link_post_seperator | , |
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loop_layout | none |
columns | 4 |
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columns_mobile | 1 |
user_field_return | display_name |
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acf_label_css_letter_spacing | 0px |
acf_label_css_line_height | 1em |
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background_position | center |
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background_blend | normal |
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background_pattern_width | auto |
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background_pattern_blend_mode | normal |
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background_mask_size | stretch |
background_mask_width | auto |
background_mask_height | auto |
background_mask_position | center |
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filter_saturate | 100% |
filter_brightness | 100% |
filter_contrast | 100% |
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animation_intensity_fold | 50% |
animation_intensity_roll | 50% |
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hover_transition_delay | 0ms |
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title_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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€ 10 eenmalig
Execution time: 0.0012 seconds
ID | 9117 |
key | field_6278d6c3398ac |
label | Type |
name | type |
prefix | acf |
type | text |
value | Snellaadpas |
menu_order | 0 |
required | 0 |
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Execution time: 0.0014 seconds
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Execution time: 0.0051 seconds
Voor wie?
ID | 9111 |
key | field_62783bee222ad |
label | Voor wie? |
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ZZP & MKB bedrijven
Execution time: 0.0013 seconds
Kenmerken & Voordelen
ID | 9112 |
key | field_62783c2d222ae |
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menu_order | 3 |
instructions | Voordelen (voor het overzichtsscherm). |
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conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
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admin_column_enabled | 0 |
tabs | all |
toolbar | full |
media_upload | 0 |
delay | 0 |
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_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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✅ Laden in Nederland
✅ Ionity App
✅ Goedkoop laden bij Ionity
Execution time: 0.0031 seconds
ID | 9113 |
key | field_62783c6f222af |
label | Prijs |
name | prijs |
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value | € 17,99 |
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_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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€ 17,99
Execution time: 0.0022 seconds
ID | 9117 |
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Aanbod ZZP/MKB
Execution time: 0.0013 seconds
ID | 9110 |
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Execution time: 0.0036 seconds
Voor wie?
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label_css_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
label_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
label_css_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
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seperator_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
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relational_field_item_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
relational_field_item_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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relational_field_item_text_shadow_color | rgba(0,0,0,0.4) |
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button_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
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box_shadow_position_button | outer |
text_shadow_style | none |
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text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
text_shadow_color | rgba(0,0,0,0.4) |
disabled | off |
global_colors_info | {} |
ZZP & MKB bedrijven
Execution time: 0.0016 seconds
Kenmerken & Voordelen
ID | 9112 |
key | field_62783c2d222ae |
label | Kenmerken & Voordelen |
name | kenmerken_voordelen |
prefix | acf |
type | wysiwyg |
value | <p class="p1"><span class="s1">✅</span> Laden in Nederland<br /> <span class="s1">✅</span> Laden in Europa<br /> <span class="s1">✅</span> Tesla App</p> |
menu_order | 3 |
instructions | Voordelen (voor het overzichtsscherm). |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
wrapper | Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) |
admin_column_enabled | 0 |
tabs | all |
toolbar | full |
media_upload | 0 |
delay | 0 |
_name | kenmerken_voordelen |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
custom_identifier | ACF Item |
acf_name | field_62783c2d222ae |
is_author_acf_field | off |
post_object_acf_name | none |
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label_seperator | : |
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true_false_text_true | True |
true_false_text_false | False |
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is_video | off |
video_loop | on |
video_autoplay | on |
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video_background_size | cover |
is_oembed_video | off |
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defer_video_icon | I||divi||400 |
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link_post_seperator | , |
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background_color_gradient_end | #29c4a9 |
background_color_gradient_end_position | 100% |
background_enable_image | on |
parallax | off |
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background_image_width | auto |
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background_pattern_horizontal_offset | 0 |
background_pattern_vertical_offset | 0 |
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background_pattern_blend_mode | normal |
background_enable_mask_style | off |
background_mask_style | layer-blob |
background_mask_color | #ffffff |
background_mask_aspect_ratio | landscape |
background_mask_size | stretch |
background_mask_width | auto |
background_mask_height | auto |
background_mask_position | center |
background_mask_horizontal_offset | 0 |
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filter_contrast | 100% |
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filter_sepia | 0% |
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filter_blur | 0px |
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label_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
label_css_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
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relational_field_item_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
relational_field_item_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
relational_field_item_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
relational_field_item_text_shadow_color | rgba(0,0,0,0.4) |
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global_colors_info | {} |
✅ Laden in Nederland
✅ Laden in Europa
✅ Tesla App
Execution time: 0.0015 seconds
ID | 9113 |
key | field_62783c6f222af |
label | Prijs |
name | prijs |
prefix | acf |
type | text |
value | n.v.t. |
menu_order | 4 |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
wrapper | Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) |
admin_column_enabled | 0 |
_name | prijs |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
custom_identifier | ACF Item |
acf_name | field_62783c6f222af |
is_author_acf_field | off |
post_object_acf_name | none |
author_field_type | author_post |
linked_user_acf_name | none |
type_taxonomy_acf_name | none |
acf_tag | h1 |
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label_seperator | : |
visibility | on |
empty_value_option | hide_module |
use_icon | off |
icon_color | #f29100 |
use_circle | off |
circle_color | #f29100 |
use_circle_border | off |
circle_border_color | #f29100 |
use_icon_font_size | off |
icon_image_placement | left |
image_mobile_stacking | initial |
return_format | array |
image_link_url | off |
image_link_url_acf_name | none |
checkbox_style | array |
checkbox_radio_return | label |
checkbox_radio_value_type | off |
checkbox_radio_link | off |
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email_body_after | none |
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true_false_condition_css_selector | .et_pb_button |
true_false_text_true | True |
true_false_text_false | False |
is_audio | off |
is_video | off |
video_loop | on |
video_autoplay | on |
make_video_background | off |
video_background_size | cover |
is_oembed_video | off |
defer_video | off |
defer_video_icon | I||divi||400 |
video_icon_font_size | off |
pretify_text | off |
pretify_seperator | , |
number_decimal | . |
show_value_if_zero | off |
text_image | off |
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linked_post_style | custom |
link_post_seperator | , |
link_to_post_object | on |
link_to_post_object_new_tab | off |
loop_layout | none |
columns | 4 |
columns_tablet | 2 |
columns_mobile | 1 |
user_field_return | display_name |
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acf_label_css_letter_spacing | 0px |
acf_label_css_line_height | 1em |
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relational_field_item_letter_spacing | 0px |
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background_color_gradient_start | #2b87da |
background_color_gradient_start_position | 0% |
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background_color_gradient_end_position | 100% |
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background_image_width | auto |
background_image_height | auto |
background_position | center |
background_horizontal_offset | 0 |
background_vertical_offset | 0 |
background_repeat | no-repeat |
background_blend | normal |
background_enable_video_mp4 | on |
background_enable_video_webm | on |
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background_pattern_width | auto |
background_pattern_height | auto |
background_pattern_repeat_origin | top_left |
background_pattern_horizontal_offset | 0 |
background_pattern_vertical_offset | 0 |
background_pattern_repeat | repeat |
background_pattern_blend_mode | normal |
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background_mask_style | layer-blob |
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background_mask_aspect_ratio | landscape |
background_mask_size | stretch |
background_mask_width | auto |
background_mask_height | auto |
background_mask_position | center |
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filter_saturate | 100% |
filter_brightness | 100% |
filter_contrast | 100% |
filter_invert | 0% |
filter_sepia | 0% |
filter_opacity | 100% |
filter_blur | 0px |
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animation_intensity_fold | 50% |
animation_intensity_roll | 50% |
animation_starting_opacity | 0% |
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hover_transition_delay | 0ms |
hover_transition_speed_curve | ease |
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title_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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label_css_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
label_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
label_css_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
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relational_field_item_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
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Execution time: 0.0007 seconds
ID | 9117 |
key | field_6278d6c3398ac |
label | Type |
name | type |
prefix | acf |
type | text |
value | Aanbod ZZP/MKB |
menu_order | 0 |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
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Aanbod ZZP/MKB
Execution time: 0.0010 seconds
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Execution time: 0.0048 seconds
Voor wie?
ID | 9111 |
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label | Voor wie? |
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_valid | 1 |
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ZZP & MKB bedrijven
Execution time: 0.0014 seconds
Kenmerken & Voordelen
ID | 9112 |
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menu_order | 3 |
instructions | Voordelen (voor het overzichtsscherm). |
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parent | 9109 |
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tabs | all |
toolbar | full |
media_upload | 0 |
delay | 0 |
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Module Settings
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✅ Laden in Nederland
✅ 200.000+ laadpunten
✅ In 10 minuten tot 164km
Execution time: 0.0017 seconds
ID | 9113 |
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Execution time: 0.0012 seconds
ID | 9117 |
key | field_6278d6c3398ac |
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Module Settings
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Aanbod ZZP/MKB
Execution time: 0.0013 seconds
ID | 9110 |
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Execution time: 0.0050 seconds
Voor wie?
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label_css_text_shadow_horizontal_length | 0em |
label_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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text_shadow_color | rgba(0,0,0,0.4) |
disabled | off |
global_colors_info | {} |
ZZP & MKB bedrijven
Execution time: 0.0013 seconds
Kenmerken & Voordelen
ID | 9112 |
key | field_62783c2d222ae |
label | Kenmerken & Voordelen |
name | kenmerken_voordelen |
prefix | acf |
type | wysiwyg |
value | <p class="p1"><span class="s1">✅</span> Laden in Nederland<br /> <span class="s1">✅</span> Groot laadnetwerk<br /> <span class="s1">✅</span> Geen maandelijkse kosten</p> |
menu_order | 3 |
instructions | Voordelen (voor het overzichtsscherm). |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
wrapper | Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) |
admin_column_enabled | 0 |
tabs | all |
toolbar | full |
media_upload | 0 |
delay | 0 |
_name | kenmerken_voordelen |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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acf_name | field_62783c2d222ae |
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background_color_gradient_end | #29c4a9 |
background_color_gradient_end_position | 100% |
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label_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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global_colors_info | {} |
✅ Laden in Nederland
✅ Groot laadnetwerk
✅ Geen maandelijkse kosten
Execution time: 0.0018 seconds
ID | 9113 |
key | field_62783c6f222af |
label | Prijs |
name | prijs |
prefix | acf |
type | text |
value | n.v.t. |
menu_order | 4 |
required | 0 |
conditional_logic | 0 |
parent | 9109 |
wrapper | Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) |
admin_column_enabled | 0 |
_name | prijs |
_valid | 1 |
Module Settings
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is_author_acf_field | off |
post_object_acf_name | none |
author_field_type | author_post |
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label_seperator | : |
visibility | on |
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icon_color | #f29100 |
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circle_color | #f29100 |
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circle_border_color | #f29100 |
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is_video | off |
video_loop | on |
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pretify_seperator | , |
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background_position | center |
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background_pattern_horizontal_offset | 0 |
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background_pattern_blend_mode | normal |
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background_mask_size | stretch |
background_mask_width | auto |
background_mask_height | auto |
background_mask_position | center |
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filter_saturate | 100% |
filter_brightness | 100% |
filter_contrast | 100% |
filter_invert | 0% |
filter_sepia | 0% |
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animation_intensity_slide | 50% |
animation_intensity_zoom | 50% |
animation_intensity_flip | 50% |
animation_intensity_fold | 50% |
animation_intensity_roll | 50% |
animation_starting_opacity | 0% |
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animation_repeat | once |
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hover_transition_delay | 0ms |
hover_transition_speed_curve | ease |
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sticky_offset_bottom | 0px |
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title_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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acf_label_css_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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relational_field_item_text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
relational_field_item_text_shadow_blur_strength | 0em |
relational_field_item_text_shadow_color | rgba(0,0,0,0.4) |
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text_shadow_vertical_length | 0em |
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disabled | off |
global_colors_info | {} |
Execution time: 0.0012 seconds
In2leasing bezoekadres
De Langkamp 1
3961 MR Wijk bij Duurstede

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